Reading Time: 2 minutes [297 words]

PHILLIP CHAMBERS, sworn for the Defendant.

I am 15 years old. I started working for them December 12, 1912,

as office boy, at the pencil factory. I left there March 29, 1913. I stayed

in the outer office. On Saturdays I stayed until 4:30 and sometimes until

5 o'clock. I never left before 4:30 on Saturdays. I would go to dinner

about 1:30 and get back at 2. Sometimes on Saturdays I would be sent

to Montag's for 15 minutes, to get the mail. I would sometimes go out

to the Bell Street plant to get the pay roll there. I would get back at 12

o'clock. Mr. Frank never did have any women in there. I never

saw any drinking there. I have never seen Dalton come in there. I have

seen Jim Conley sweeping there Saturday afternoon. Snowball would

be in there once in a while. I have never known the front door to be

locked on Saturday afternoon. After a certain time all the sweepers,

including Conley and Snowball, had to leave the factory at noon. Mr.

Darley gave them orders they could not sweep in the afternoon. After

that I never saw any of them around there Saturday afternoon. I have

never seen anybody watching the door on any Saturday that I was there,

or any other day. I have seen Mr. Frank's wife come to his office once.

Mr. Schiff would be helping him on some of the Saturdays that I would

be there. I have never seen Mr. Frank familiar with any of the women

in the factory. I have never seen him talk to Mary Phagan at all.


Mr. Frank and I were good friends, just like a boss ought to be to

me. I don't know anything about Mr. Frank's telling Conley to come

around and not let Mr. Darley see him.

PHILLIP CHAMBERS, Sworn In For The State, 83rd To Testify

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