Reading Time: 2 minutes [290 words]

Conley described Frank as having been in a position which Conley thought indicated perversion, but the facts set out by Conley do not demand such a conclusion.

Conley says that he found Mary Phagan lying in the metal room some 200 feet from the office, with a cloth tied about her neck and under her head as though to catch blood, although there was no blood at the place.

Frank told Conley to get a piece of cloth and put the body in it, and Conley got a piece of striped bed ticking and tied up the body in it and brought it to a place a little way from the dressing room and dropped it, then called on Frank for assistance in carrying it. Frank went to his office and got a key and unlocked the switchboard in order to operate the elevator, and he and Conley took the body in the elevator down to the basement, where Conley rolled the body off the cloth. Frank returned to the first floor by the ladder, while Conley went by the elevator, and Frank on the first floor got into the elevator and went to the second floor, on which the office is located. They went back into Frank's private office, and just at that time, Frank said, 'My God, here is Emma Clark and Corinthia Hall,' and Frank then put Conley into the wardrobe. After they left, Frank let Conley out and asked Conley if he could write, to which Conley gave an affirmative reply. Frank then dictated the letters heretofore referred to. Frank took out of his desk a roll of greenbacks


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