Reading Time: 2 minutes [290 words]

On the 29th of May, 1913, Conley made another affidavit, in which he said that Frank had told him that he had picked up a girl and let her fall, and Conley hollered to him that the girl was dead, and told him to go to the cotton bag and get a piece of cloth, and he got a big, wide piece of cloth and took her on his right shoulder, when she got too heavy for him, and she slipped off when he got to the dressing room. He called Frank to help, and Frank got a key to the elevator, and the two carried the body downstairs, and Frank told him to take the body back to the sawdust pile, and Conley says he picked the girl up and put her on his shoulder, while Frank went back up the ladder.

It will be observed that the testimony and the appearance of the girl indicated that she was dragged through the cinders and debris on the floor of the basement, yet Conley says he took her on his shoulder.

The affidavit further states that Conley took the cloth from around her and took her hat and slipper, which he had picked up upstairs right where her body was lying, and brought them down and untied the cloth and brought them back and "threw them on the trash pile" in front of the furnace. This was the time that Conley says Frank made the exclamation about Emma Clarke and Corinthia Hall.

An important feature in this affidavit is as follows:

Conley states in it that Mr. Frank said: "Here is $200.00," and Frank handed the money to him.

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