Reading Time: 2 minutes [272 words]

and told him, 'Here is $200,' but after a while requested the money back, and got it.

One witness testified she saw some Negro, whom she did not recognize, sitting at the side of the elevator in the gloom. On the extraordinary motion for a new trial, a woman, who was unimpeached, made an affidavit that on the 31st of May, through a newspaper report, she saw that Conley claimed he met Frank by agreement at the corner of Forsyth & Nelson Sts., on the 26th of April, 1913, and she became satisfied that she saw the two in close conversation at that place on that date, between 10 and 11 o'clock.

Frank put his character in issue, and the State introduced ten witnesses attacking Frank's character, some of whom were factory employees, who testified that Frank's reputation for lasciviousness was bad, and some told that he had been seen making advances to Mary Phagan, whom Frank had professed to the detectives either not to have known or to have been slightly acquainted with. Other witnesses testified that Frank had improperly gone into the dressing room of the girls. Some witnesses who answered on direct examination that Frank's reputation for lasciviousness was bad were not cross-examined as to details, and this was made the subject of comment before the jury.

The above states very briefly the gist of the State's case, omitting many incidents which the State claims would confirm Frank's guilt when taken in their entirety.


The defendant introduced approximately one hundred witnesses as to his good character. They included:

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